Category: comparison

Air Explorer vs Air Explorer for Android

If you want to manage your files in the cloud from your Android device, you can download Air Explorer for Android from the Google Play Store. This app allows you to access, copy, transfer, sync, and encrypt your files in various cloud services, such as Google Drive, Onedrive, Yandex, Mega, Baidu, and more. Air Explorer for Android has a user-friendly interface Air Explorer for Android has a user-friendly interface that lets you work with multiple clouds at the same time. You can open several tabs and switch between them easily. You can also open a tab to explore your Android device or your PC. You can drag and drop files and folders between clouds or between a cloud and your device. With Air Explorer for Windows you can add all your clouds in the same program Air Explorer for Windows is a Pc application that allows you to add all your clouds in the same program. You can open different clouds in tabs in your Air Explorer for Windows and you can drag and drop files and folders between clouds or between a cloud and your device. With Air Explorer for Android you can create syncs between clouds Air Explorer for Android also has some advanced features that make it stand out from other cloud managers. You can create custom syncs between clouds or between a cloud and your device. You can use this feature to make automatic backups or to keep your files updated. You can also monitor the sync process and check for any errors. Another feature that Air Explorer for Android offers is the encryption of files. You can upload files to the cloud with a password to increase their security. The encryption is compatible with Air Explorer for Windows or Mac, so you can access the encrypted files on any platform. Air Explorer for Windows has the same features, it allows to encrypt files, synchronize folders, view and restore old file versions, etc. But, you can also schedule automatic file transfers.  You can use the scheduling feature to automate your synchronizations or file transfers between clouds or between a cloud and your device. You can set the frequency, the time, and the type of synchronization or transfer you want to perform. You can also check the history of the scheduled tasks and see if there were any errors or conflicts.

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Air Explorer vs. Air Live Drive

Air Explorer and Air Live Drive are two software applications that allow you to access your cloud storage accounts in different ways. Air Explorer integrates multiple clouds from various servers and displays them in its own interface. You can easily view, upload, download, and transfer files between clouds using tabs and a split screen. Air Explorer also supports encryption, scheduling, synchronization, versioning, and other features. It has better upload and download performance since it controls the whole process instead of using the Windows File explorer. Air Live Drive mounts your clouds as disk drives in your computer Air Live Drive, on the other hand, mounts your clouds as disk drives in your computer. You can use your usual tools or programs directly on the files in the cloud without downloading them. You can work with your clouds as if they were local drives. Air Live Drive also supports encryption and synchronization. Air Explorer and Air Live Drive support the most popular cloud services Both Air Explorer and Air Live Drive support the most popular cloud services, such as Google Drive, OneDrive, OneDrive for Business, Box, Dropbox, Mega, Yandex, Naver, pCloud, InfiniCloud, SharePoint Online, SharePoint China, Opendrive, Backblaze, Koofr, Owndrive, Nextcloud, etc. The choice between Air Explorer and Air Live Drive depends on your preferences and needs. If you want to have your clouds as disk drives in your computer and use them as you are used to do with the local drives, you should go for Air Live Drive. If you want to manage the files in your clouds with better performance, synchronization and more features, you should go for Air Explorer. Many of our customers use both applications to get the best of both worlds.

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Air Explorer vs Air Cluster

Air Explorer and Air Cluster offer you different options to access and manage your cloud storage accounts. Air Explorer lets you add multiple clouds from various servers and access them all from a single interface. You can view, upload, download, and transfer files between clouds using tabs and a split screen. Air Explorer also supports SFTP and WebDav protocols for secure file transfers. Air Cluster lets you merge multiple clouds into one big cluster. Air Cluster, on the other hand, enables you to combine several clouds into one large cluster. You can add clouds from the same or different servers and increase your storage space. Air Cluster distributes your files across the clouds to optimize the space usage. You can also use SFTP and WebDav with Air Cluster. Air Explorer and Air Cluster offer the option to encrypt your files Both Air Explorer and Air Cluster support the most popular cloud services, such as Google Drive, Onedrive, Box, Dropbox, etc. They also offer the option to encrypt your files before uploading them to the cloud for extra security. Moreover, they both have synchronization tools that allow you to keep your files updated between different locations. You can choose the type of synchronization, save it, and repeat it whenever you want. Air Explorer can synchronize cloud to cloud or local to cloud, while Air Cluster can synchronize local to cluster or cluster to cluster. One advantage of Air Explorer over Air Cluster is that it has a scheduling feature that lets you automate your synchronizations. This is very useful for performing regular backups or syncing large amounts of data. Another advantage of Air Explorer is that it has a command line interface that allows you to execute file transfers and syncs without opening the program. This gives you more flexibility and control over your tasks.

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