Category: organization

Organizing your videos on your computer or in the cloud

Organizing your videos on your computer is an important task to keep your video files organized and easy to find. Thanks to the mobile phone we can record many videos over time and it is necessary to have control over them in order not to lose the important ones. One way to organise your videos is to create separate folders for each project or event. For example, you can create a folder for your holiday videos and another folder for your family videos. Within each folder, you can create subfolders for each specific event or project. If the videos are recorded for work purposes you can create folders by dates or by work projects. Another way to organize your videos is to use media management software such as Adobe Bridge or Lightroom. These programmes allow you to tag and sort your videos according to different criteria such as date, location or subject. You can also use these programmes to quickly search and find your videos. You can also use video editing software such as Adobe Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro to organize your videos. These software allow you to import your videos and organize them in a timeline. You can cut and edit your videos directly on the timeline and export them when you are done. Another aspect to take into account is to have enough space to store it. Videos take up much more space than images and you will need more gigabytes. You can use your hard drive or have external hard drives to use as storage. Another option is to upload them to the cloud. You can create one or more cloud accounts and upload your files using software such as Air Explorer, Air Live Drive and Air Cluster. For example, Air Cluster allows you to create a cluster with several accounts from several different clouds, this way you can add all your accounts and create a large capacity, so you can easily store your videos. It is important to note that when organising your videos on your computer or on your cloud accounts, you should ensure that the files are stored correctly and backed up regularly.

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Why backup your data?

Backups are an important tool to protect your important documents and files on your computer. Backups allow you to recover your files in case they are lost or damaged due to a system crash or malware attack. There are several types of backups you can make on your computer: –Full backup: A full backup is a copy of all the files and programs on your computer. This is the most complete form of backup and allows you to restore your entire system in case something goes wrong. –Incremental backup: An incremental backup is a copy of the files that have changed since the last full or incremental backup. This is a faster and more efficient way of backing up. –Differential backup: A differential backup is a copy of the files that have changed since the last full backup. This is an intermediate form between a full backup and an incremental backup. Backing up your computer can be done on a different hard drive, external or internal, or, nowadays, the cloud is being used for backups. Air Explorer is a software that allows you to make backups both on hard drives and in the cloud. With Air Explorer’s synchronization tool you can make a full backup or choose to make an incremental or differential backup. It is important to make regular backups to ensure that your files are protected in the event of a system crash or malware attack.

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Moving files from your old computer to a new one

To move files and folders from your old computer to a new one, there are several options available. Use an external hard drive One of the easiest options is to use an external hard drive to transfer files and folders from your old computer to a new one. To do this, you will need to connect the external hard drive to your old computer and copy the files and folders you want to transfer to the external hard drive. Then, disconnect the external hard drive from the old computer and connect it to the new computer to copy the files and folders to it. Use a local network You can also use a local network to transfer the files and folders from your old computer to your new computer. To do this, you will need to connect both computers to the same local network and then share the files and folders you want to transfer. Use a software Nowdays, another option is to use your cloud account to transfer files an folders. You can upload for files and folders from your old computer to the cloud using a software such as Air Explorer. Then, you can transfer your files from the cloud until your new computer. This way you can make the migration in an easy and comfortable way.

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Transferring files from your PC to the cloud

Transferring files from your PC to the cloud is a simple task that can be done in a number of ways. Use the sync client One way to transfer files to the cloud is to use the sync client provided by the cloud storage service you are using. Most cloud storage services such as Google Drive, OneDrive and Dropbox offer sync clients that you can install on your PC. Once the client is installed, you can select the folders you want to sync with the cloud and the files will be transferred automatically. Use the web interface Another way to transfer files to the cloud is to use the web interface provided by the cloud storage service. Most cloud storage services offer a web interface that allows you to upload files directly from your web browser. Use third-party applications You can also use third-party applications such as Air Explorer, Air Live Drive or Air Cluster to transfer files to the cloud. These applications allow you to access your files stored in different cloud storage services from a single interface and transfer files between different cloud storage services without having to download and upload them again. The advantage of these software is that you can have all your cloud accounts in one program. This way you can better control your accounts, even transfer files from one cloud account to another. It is important to note that when transferring files to the cloud, you must ensure that the files are transferred correctly and that they are stored correctly in the cloud storage service. You should also ensure that files are transferred securely using an encrypted connection.

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Organising files on the computer or in the cloud

Organising the files on your computer or in the cloud is an important task to keep your stored information efficient and easily accessible. Here are some tips for organising your files and folders: –Create folders for each file category: The first rule of organising your files is to create folders for each file category you have. For example, you can create a folder for important documents, one for personal photos, one for music and one for videos. –Use descriptive names: It is important that the names of folders and files are descriptive and clear so that you can easily find them later. –Keep your files up to date: Make sure you keep your files up to date and delete the ones you no longer need. This will help keep your system organised and prevent it from becoming cluttered with unnecessary files. –Use subfolders: If you have a lot of files in one folder, consider creating subfolders to further organise them. –Use tags: You can assign tags to your files and then search for them by tag. –Use the search function: If you have a lot of files and folders on your computer, it can be hard to find what you need. Search function is very useful for quickly finding a specific file or folder. –Make backups: Make sure you make regular backups of your important files in case something happens to your computer. You use Windows Explorer on your computer to do this. From Windows Explorer, you can manage documents, create new folders, change names, and move files from one folder to another. To manage files in the cloud, you can use Air Explorer, Air Live Drive, or Air Cluster. These programs allow you to manage your files in the cloud as if they were in Windows Explorer; you can rename folders and files, create folders and subfolders, and transfer files from one folder to another.

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